Apr 28, 2021
You’re listening to our Virtual Taproom visit with Kevin Templin from T.F. Brewing in Salt Lake City. The brief Virtual Taproom conversations are recorded via Zoom and the video is available now on the Utah Beer News YouTube channel.
As I’ve done with previous Virtual Taproom episodes, I wanted to share the audio...
Apr 26, 2021
It’s no secret that the last year has proved to be a monumental stress test for Utah’s hospitality industry. And while several local breweries bent to a seemingly impossible degree, none broke. They are all still here and continuing to deliver delicious beers.
In this episode of the podcast, we chat with...
Apr 19, 2021
A recession and a hops shortage didn’t dissuade a trio of beer-loving visionaries from opening a brewery in the heart of craft beer country.
Upslope Brewing sold its first beers in 2008 in Boulder, Colo. It’s now Colorado’s fourth-largest independent craft brewery in a state that boasts more than 400.
Apr 6, 2021
We’re back with another visit with Joey Cardaccio, the beer and service manager at Slackwater Pub & Pizzeria in Sandy. Each month we visit with Joey for our Virtual Taproom and 3 Beers with Joey segment that you can watch now on the Utah Beer News YouTube Channel.
This month Joey highlights three beers that are worth...